Francis and Irene Sheahen Memorial College Scholarship Fund
Francis Sheahen made provisions to leave a generous donation to Friends of Niños Adelante for the purpose of awarding two seperate scholarships to the outstanding program graduate who has been accepted at a major university in Mexico. One is to be awarded in school year 2022 and one in school year 2023.
All students meeting eligibility criteria and who are planning to go away to a major university or college in Mexico to earn a Bachelor’s degree are encouraged to submit an application. High School Seniors are eligible to apply and all applications must be received by June 1st. The winning applicant is selected by the Niños Adelante Scholarship Committee.
Application Eligibility Criteria:
Strong moral character
Niños Adelante Program high school graduate with a minimum of 3 years in the program
Committed to earning a four-year college degree at a major university outside of Guerrero (students accepted at the UAGRO, Chilpancingo, Guerrero, are also eligible)
Willing to share their personal story
G.P.A. of 9.3 or higher at end of Junior year (to be maintained during Senior year)
A grant of $1,200 US per year for five years is made beginning with acceptance to a university and made annually for a total of four years upon successful completion of each year with a minimum G.P.A. of 8.0. Grants are paid one-half at the beginning of the school year and one-half in January.
Continued Funding of High Achievement Students
Each year the program graduates several high achievement students who are qualified to attend Mexico’s finest colleges and universities away from home. We very much wish to extend this program into the foreseeable future and, if possible, build the fund so that we can extend these awards to more than one student, if qualified. Your tax deductible gifts to this fund will make it possible for the brightest and ablest students to achieve their potential. If you are interested in making a donation to this important fund,click .