Online Functions
Our online functions are up and running for your convenience. Let us know if you run into any problems.
Thank you for your patience.
This is the page where Friends of Niños Adelante joins the 21st century with online functions for just about every administrative activity required to maintain an organization with over 140 active students and a like number of active sponsors, 10 directors and 100s of graduates. We hope that you will try out these online functions to assist us in streamlining and improving the accuracy of our processing. We also hope that you will be understanding if not every function works as you think it should or even the way we think it should.
Here is what you can do online.
Donations for Becas or the General Fund can be made by following this link.
Make your Annual Fund donation using the General Donation button above.
Donations to the Francis and Irene Sheahen Memorial College Fund
can be made using this link.
* Register for the Benefit Dinner using this link
​ * Register for the Student Breakfasts using this link
Register to become a Sponsor here.